AI enhanced photograph of Kevan Cooke that makes him look far more handsome than reality

These are the webpages of Kevan Cooke - an IT professional, AI advocate, amateur photographer and very amateur musician.

Kevan was born in Kingston-upon-Thames just in time to watch the Apollo 11 moon landing, although he has no memory of this. As a child he moved with his family from town to town, picking up sporting affiliations along the way. In the early 1980s he received a Sinclair ZX81 as a Christmas present, and became hooked on the possibilities of computing - an obsession that remains with him to this day. Just a few years later he received an electric guitar as a present, which took him down an altogether different path.

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Music Projects

Home | Software Engineer | Photography | Rex Rodent | DJ Bimbles Song Factory | Wilmslow Funk Collective | The Rap History of Art

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