DJ Bimbles Song Factory

DJ Bimbles Song Factory

DJ Bimbles Song Factory was created in 2024 as a experiment in the production of original music by utilising AI tools.

The earliest releases were collections of songs for children, such as Animal Alphabet, Welcome to Pangea, Board the Rocket Ship and Welcome to the Haunted House. Each of these uses a variety of musical styles to deliver songs around a common lyrical topic (Animals, Dinosaurs, Space and Halloween).

Subsequent releases such as Hoist the Jolly Roger and Broken Fairy Tales utilise a single musical style across the album's songs for improved consistency.

Later releases such as The Weather Report and Elementary, My Dear Pop Song represent a shift away from songs primarily aimed towards children, by adopting more complex musical and lyrical content, with such songs as the single Radium Girls.

Other releases include an ongoing series of albums covering the history of The Kings and Queens of England, from the ninth century to present day, and a series of colour themed albums such as Shades of Blue and Shades of Green.

The seasonal album Twelve Songs of Christmas includes such songs as Thackeray's Winter Emporium, An Alpine Christmas (I Am Krampus Hear Me Roar) and the single Brussels Sprouts.

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